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BryGuy Wrote:
> put in fresh batteries the day before the test.

this is exactly what I am doing


CFAcountry Wrote:
> BryGuy Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > waste of money IMO to buy an extra calculator.
> if
> > you can borrow one do that but otherwise just
> put
> > in fresh batteries the day before the test.
> bring
> > an extra set of batteries if it makes you feel
> > better. i think people worry too much about
> > extreme situations
> Really??? $30 to have an extra?

If it gives you peace of mind then I suppose it is worth it. On the other hand, I will just put in a new pair of batteries next week and spend the other $29 at the bar after the exam.


^^^^ A new battery (not a pair) but you know what I mean.


how do you change the battery? I unscrewed the calculator but couldn't take the cover off.


how old is your Calc? I know someone who earned the charter 3 years back and has till date never replaced the batteries. So that's like 6 years of battery life. You may consider taking extra batteries if you have hired someone pressing the calculator keys 24*7. So much of drama


My calc is about 6 years old....I had got it from my friend who had used it....


areyouserious Wrote:
> how old is your Calc? I know someone who earned
> the charter 3 years back and has till date never
> replaced the batteries. So that's like 6 years of
> battery life. You may consider taking extra
> batteries if you have hired someone pressing the
> calculator keys 24*7. So much of drama



SFoyil Wrote:
> The factory settings have P/Y set to 12 which
> converts the annual interest rate (I/Y) into
> monthly rates

? Was not the case with my calculator (bought this summer); the factory settings were fine.


beatthecfa Wrote:
> I had this guy bring in three calculators at my
> Level I. I asked him if he would do each question
> on all three before marking down an answer. He
> didn't like that too much, but the folks around me
> sure appreciated the humor.



ravinsu Wrote:
> beatthecfa Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I had this guy bring in three calculators at my
> > Level I. I asked him if he would do each
> question
> > on all three before marking down an answer. He
> > didn't like that too much, but the folks around
> me
> > sure appreciated the humor.


Responses in this thread are funny .. and they say CFA candidates don't know how to joke

