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Referencing Level 1 of CFA Exam on Resume

I don't have my exam material with me and I am wondering how we should reference the fact that we sat for Level 1 of the CFA Exam on a resume? Does anybody have the CFAI books nearby and mind looking this up for me? Thank you.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 09:07PM by demmel.

Wait till you pass and then say Passed Level 1 on so so and so date


CFA Level I Candidate


You have to wait until you pass level I and even then you can only mention "passed CFA level1" you have to be specific


Level I Candidate is a space filler. Don't waste your ink. It just looks stupid. Wait til you pass.


Any statement of fact is fine. i.e. I am a level 1 candidate, I sat for level 1 in June and am awaiting my results, etc.


yeah don't put that in your resume, it looks silly. the whole world is potentially a level 1 candidate. but after you pass, absolutely. It didn't see the light of day on mine until I could say I was a level II canididate.


Passed the 3 levels of CFA exam.

(the fact i would say)


Thread hijack…

What do you put if you've passed all three exams but don't have the work experience?


demmel Wrote:
> I don't have my exam material with me and I am
> wondering how we should reference the fact that we
> sat for Level 1 of the CFA Exam on a resume? Does
> anybody have the CFAI books nearby and mind
> looking this up for me? Thank you.

Wait until you find out your results, sign up for L2 (assuming that you passed L1) and write "Level II Candidate in the CFA Program" or something like that.

