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iregula Wrote:
> +1 with FPM
> Why is 68% bad?

it probably isn't that bad by itself, but it's the lowest score I've got so far. When your score keeps going down, from high 80s, to low 80s, to high 70s, then suddenly to 68%, you'd believe it's a crappy score too. I need an exam where I can go back to high 70s to boost my confidence, otherwise I'd accept that I'll be scoring low 60s on the real exam given the trend...


I would definitely do the afternoon sessions, and then at least the IPS stuff that they have... the more IPS the better... then just casually read the other AM answers as if you are regularly studying.


For me, I don't want to touch schweser any more. The morning exam answers are kind biased... I like v1 better than v2 through.


I don't care about the score, it's all about finding - and crushing - my weak areas. So, the more exams the better. I am actually glad I am doing v1, exam 3 since it brought up the excess/core capital that I'd forgotten about ... I also missed an easy behavioral finance question that wasn't in OCRAPS - naive 1/n diversification. NOCRAPS!

