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Calculator Decimal Place Settings?
How many decimal places is everyone using on their calculator? I don't think it matters much but feel free to list the model you use with your answer. I find that 2 places rounds too much for common functions and 4 places sort of gets in the way when you're working in tens of millions... I was not sure which was best as a permanent setting or if most analysts change this setting often depending on the application? Does the CFAI recommend a setting? The curriculum rounds to 2 sometimes but often uses between 2 and 5 when doing examples in the books...
Currently I have 4 places set on my TI BA II Plus Pro.
Thanks for your input!
(just realized that I should have posted this in general not just level 1.. opps)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Wednesday, August 12, 2009 at 08:56PM by JStewartx. |