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下一主题:2011 CFAI Mock AM Q6
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Saw this talked about before but cant find it.

As it relates to effective borrowing or lending when using calls and puts...

EAY is the rate computed ^ 365/days of loan

BEY is EAY^.5 *2 ?????

Any help appreciated....ive seen both on practice tests.

Schweser Book 3 Page 19

BEY = Rate * Number of Periods in a Year

EAR = (1+ Rate) ^ Number of Periods in a Year - 1

I seem to be forgetting stuff - have to go back and look, a lot of tension building up!!


june2009 Wrote:
> Saw this talked about before but cant find it.
> As it relates to effective borrowing or lending
> when using calls and puts...
> EAY is the rate computed ^ 365/days of loan
> BEY is EAY^.5 *2 ?????
> Any help appreciated....ive seen both on practice
> tests.

Yes. EAY is compounded. So if you have an annual EAY, you uncompound it by ^0.5, as you have done, and then get BEY by multiplying by 2, to get the full year BEY.


awesome...thanks guys


上一主题:Lease Question
下一主题:2011 CFAI Mock AM Q6