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I'm definitely going to start with ethics

then go right to PM, Deriv because I don't want to take the whole exam in fear of those two subjects


One of the best pieces of advice I got for Level 1 is if you aren't pressed for time, take a bathroom break 1 or 2 hours into each section. Go into the bathroom, throw some water on your face, and wait 5 minutes before going back.

Seriously, for Level 1 in the afternoon, my mind was absolute toast. It was so exhausted, I couldn't concentrate at all. Went and did that, and it really helped me regain some mental stamina.


job71188 Wrote:
> One of the best pieces of advice I got for Level 1
> is if you aren't pressed for time, take a bathroom
> break 1 or 2 hours into each section. Go into the
> bathroom, throw some water on your face, and wait
> 5 minutes before going back.

Agreed. Took two breaks for Level 1 and it helped me focus enormously.


Here is my advice.

After every item set double check all six of your answers to see you 1) selected the right letter and 2) That you didn't do the opposite of "most likely" or "least likely" worded questions. It takes less than a minute but could be crucial in saving you on a couple questions.


You could get a pretty grasp of a whole section in 1 week. I would recommend studying hard until Friday. Still plenty of improvement you can make.


One last piece of advice... everyone here passed Level 1... that wasn't easy.

Just do what you did then that was successful for you. Everyone is different.


Do they list which topics each vignette covers at the front of the exam? The mock exam didn't tell you which topic was tested.


No they don't... that would be stupid

