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schweser qbank reliability

for those that have passed level I and used qbank, what should I bet getting on the qbank exams (created in the program) to feel confident at this time? what about 2 weeks before the exam?

You should feel confidence if you are able to understand and apply most of the concepts throughout the curriculum.


Are you saying that the QBank questions aren't indicative of the questions one would see on an actual exam? If so, then what is the point of QBank?

Panic! At the CFA Wrote:
> Kmart,
> The Q-bank is only mildly applicable to the real
> exam. Its usefulness completely trails off after
> level I (I took about a total of 20 Q-bank
> questions for level II and III after doing 1000
> for level I). I would not focus on your Q-bank
> score results. Just do as many as possible and
> when you get one wrong figure out what you did and
> don't make that mistake again.
> Start to focus on your scores on your practice
> exams. Shoot for above 70, but don't get too upset
> if you are in the high-60's. The practice exams do
> not exhibit a high correlation to the real thing.


The Q Bank is meant to reinforce concepts learned in your CFA studies. Its not at all meant to simulate the real exam. That's why Schweser comes up with numerous practice exams in a separate book.

I found Q Bank questions to be worthwhile, but some questions were way too specific to ever end up on the actual exam. Again, use it as a study tool to prepare you for the Schweser practice exams but do not expect Q Bank type questions (and format) to end up on the real CFA exam.


上一主题:Mock Q51-Afternoon FCFE Calculation
下一主题:CFAT/ ERAT Debt Service