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Retakers: Feeling Confident?

I am not. Recently had to unexpectedly leave town for two weeks on business and lost some really critical study time (2 full weekends). Band 10 last time, and pissed I didn't give myself more slack.

there with you mate, level 3 does not go hand in hand with a demanding job


band 10 last year.. i'm gonna crush it this year.. feeling much better.


any retaker scored lower in the 2nd try?...


band 10 last time as well.... feel like i know more... but thats how i felt last yr as well!

difficult to give it time consistently with a demanding job where i am working till atleast 7pm everyday and working 1-2 weekends per month.


Band 10 in 2009, band 9 in 2010...

Hope this time I pass


In 2009, did Schweser only and no past papers. In 2010 read the curriculum, but spent around 200 hours. This year I did both + past exams..

Last year I left the last 4 questions blank..


The key thing I guess is time management and having a good night sleep the night before the exam... Plus will solve problems from last to first, I hate reading the ips questions..


much confident, but also mentally ready that it will be a very tough exam...


band10band9 Wrote:
> In 2009, did Schweser only and no past papers. In
> 2010 read the curriculum, but spent around 200
> hours. This year I did both + past exams..
> Last year I left the last 4 questions blank..

Wow, you left 4 questions blank and got band 9-10? That's pretty amazing, you must have nailed everything else. You'll pass this time for sure!

This time I feel I know marginally more but not sure if that's really the case, certainly not approaching the level of some of the regular posters here. Trying to re-read my notes, will review ethics and GIPS later.

