上一主题:PV of Perpetuity Required for Indefinite PMTs
下一主题:upside effect of volatility
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First Exam and Guessing?

Hey i just took my first exam and i scored 62%.. I did guess a lot to what i thought was the right answer, which is why i am not sure exactly where i stand.

Did any of you guess? if so can you give me an approximate percentage? so i can kind a better idea.

62% guessing i might not make it... and inputs

I typically only have about 4 or 5 questions every 120 questions that I have no idea about.


there will be questions you are clueless on. hopefully only a few. do not dwell on what you dont know during the exam, power through using what you do know.


上一主题:PV of Perpetuity Required for Indefinite PMTs
下一主题:upside effect of volatility