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Did they provide you with complimentary food?

At Pace they had dunkin donuts coffee, granola bars and bottled water waiting for us at the end of AM.

Nothing major but it felt really good to see those buttholes at CFA show us that they care. A good gesture...

None of that where I was...


likely was the local society doing that, right?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Monday, June 6, 2011 at 12:03PM by hornsfan2.


Sounds nice. They didn't have anything at my test site except for a guy from Schweser handing out Kaplan water bottles and discount coupons on the way out of the PM session.


No free food when I took the exams. However, there were some Asian chicks recruiting people for the local society.


No free food. It was probably the venue that hooked you up.

But it should be mandatory that any testing place with more than 500 candidates (major cities) should throw a free open bar (1-2 drinks at least) in the nearest bar (within walking distance) of the testing center.


MFIN--- Wrote:
> as soon as I walked out of the classroom, I walked
> to the table of beer...much needed

where'd you take the exam?


Halifax, NS..Canada



haha that's trash.

I had several beer, and there were no problems with it...They were only open for one hour (they had people giving away drink tickets)...Not everyone drinks though so it was basically unlimited for the boozehounds

San Fran? Right on, i'm surprised they weren't handing out mary jane after the exam
Just joking around...lol

