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The current phase of business cycle

I know this will not be tested in the exam, but I'm still curious.

Where can I get the current economic condition, such as the current phase of business cycle? Or what's the phase of business cycle in last year? No economic forecasting.


I mean which phase of business cycle we are in, 1) initial recovery 2) early expansion ..., or still in 5) recession? Everyone may have a different view. Is there some consensus view published regularly?


I think those categories are more academic then anything else.


early expansion, in canada atleast


I would agree that Canada is in an early expansion, the TSX has been on a tear lately due to commodity prices. I would still say that employment is still struggling out of the recession.


i would think it is in expansion for north ameria. look at the metal indicies. they are at all time high. maybe indication of high expected demand?--->high demand=higher expected GDP?


confidence is low
unemployment is high
markets are up from lows
inflation is low
stimulus from low interest rates still in effect
GDP growth is low to moderate

draw your own conclusions


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