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Anyone else thought that Secret Sauce was a waste of time

For level 1 it was okay. But in level 2 i felt that secret sauce doesnt cover much. The level 2 syllabus has a lot of stuff. Everytime I read the chapters I seem to notice new things which I missed before.

May be useful for important conceptual stuff, help you to answer the "is this statement correct?" question.


I find it useful. It's obviously not going to teach what you need to know but if you put in the time before hand its does a good enough job reminding you of key points. Theres no way to compare 2k pages to 150 pages in notes. You have to take it for what it is.


It's good to gloss over. I've noticed several inconsistencies with it compared to the CFAI texts.


Care to point some of those out? Didn't really notice anything


The SS mentioned that, for dividends, an investor need to own the shares by the holder of record date in order to receive the divi. There's a thread a little ways down where we discussed that.

The SS said that under the all-current method, translation, that the Current Ratio would change based upon currency app/dep.


Thanks, i never remember any of the ratio movements, so much easier just to actually translate the ratios.


That's what I do. Too much to memorize.


Well i learned for any of the ratios its best to actually calculate them and never assume anything is the same from the notes. They're to easy to mix up if your rushing.


not nearly as useful as Level I SS IMO. Good thing I only paid $5 for mine...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Wednesday, June 2, 2010 at 07:40AM by CPAbeatsCFA.

