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Breakfast on the 5th

What are you guys planning?

I am thinking this;

-3 egg omlet, 1 yolk
-Cottage cheese
-1 glass of OJ
-5-6 Cups of coffee (no milk, no sugar)<-- May seem like a lot but I usually drink 4-5 in the AM.

Just for fun what are you thinking for dinner?

@pacepaperboy, wanna do dinner?

Flip Burger?


-Giant Burger
-As many beers as I can possibly fit in my body.


&quot;good personality ... or he was known as Lt. Mandingo during his army days.&quot;

do not drink too much coffee before the exam bro, use some common sense here.


I know, I may have to poop.


&quot;good personality ... or he was known as Lt. Mandingo during his army days.&quot;


Trying to get a good night's sleep before exam day will be your biggest challenge.

I went to the grocery store on the way to the exam center and bought 2 blueberry muffins and a jug of chocolate milk. It worked out pretty well.


I chugged a Red Bull right before L1 and L2. I was sleepy though - Saturday is normally my sleep in day.


I am thinking waking Friday morning up at my expected Saturday wake up time would be beneficial. This way I can ensure a good nights sleep and ensure an early wake up on Saturday.

Saturday night is another story


&quot;good personality ... or he was known as Lt. Mandingo during his army days.&quot;


nuppal Wrote:
> I am thinking waking Friday morning up at my
> expected Saturday wake up time would be
> beneficial. This way I can ensure a good nights
> sleep and ensure an early wake up on Saturday.
> Saturday night is another story

Nuppal you're in Atlanta right?

I took Lvl1 last June. My post-exam afternoon began at the St. Regis for a wedding and ended that night at the Cheetah. I can't describe how much you will want to party as soon as you step out of the exam center.


Sometimes it happens that even you don't have enough sleep and then you cant sleep again at night.

Like as I wake up at 6 am on friday morning and then expect that I will sleep early at night and then wake up early in the morning. But sometimes you cant get a sleep... and thats worst

Its like arbirtrage situation and prices diverge even further...

