上一主题:Hi looking for partners & motivation for the CFA L1 , Dec 20111
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I made a guess for 20Qns - do you think i will pass?

for the AM section (the ethics is particularly ambiguous) but the rest of the questions are alright. But the pm = = I make 3 guesses for Quants - all guesses for alternative and fixed and some other numbers = so in total, I did 20 guesses (hence 20 blanks as well). Do you think I can pass?

Honestly the pm one - I cant do fixed and alternative in particular. and a bit of quants. though the rest is quite ok.

How do you guys feel?

If you know with certainty that you got all but 20 questions right, then you definitely passed. 100/ 120 = well over 70%


like arnold said at the end of Commando when asked to start up his unit again ..."noooo chance"


I'm sure you did fine. The problem (with me) is that even if I felt like I only flat-out guessed at a handful of questions, there are plenty of other questions that I thought I knew that I got wrong...very likely by falling for one of the distracter answers.


I think about it like this -

20 flat out guesses - youll get 1/3 right, so well be conservative and say you only get 6 right.
I dont know about you ( i had 5-6 blind guessses, but many educated or could easily eliminate 1). Say maybe 30 of those? lets put odds of each one of those at 50% being right. that means youve gotten 29 wrong so far. Thats still a pass

I also assume that there will be questions you thought you were right on but fell for a trap. I think a good % is that 85% of the ones you felt good about youll actually get (maybe a bit conservative). So that means youd get another .15*70 10 or so wrong, putting you at 39. So i would say worst case, thats about a 67.5%, which could be a (and i would guess it is) a pass. And thats with some (i would say) agressive assumptions or "worst case scenario" type deal.

In the end though, who knows. Just gotta wait it out.


上一主题:Hi looking for partners & motivation for the CFA L1 , Dec 20111
下一主题:Any one try to sell their 2011 curriculum?