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发表于 2011-8-24 21:42
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@ sean1194
I see the point your are making but would disagree. I have a Masters in Finance and passed Level II in June 2011, however would still argue that Level II is a harder course to negotiate.
I agree with your contention that recalling the work covered in Level I from past studies was harder due to the time since having studied it, but on balance the content at Level I is on par with the difficulty found in early undergrad courses, therefore once you revise the material I found it came rushing back to the memory banks.
In Level II, the material is not, per se, considerably harder, but it does get very detailed. I would describe the level of content as similar to final year studies or professional qualifications studies in the particular subject areas. Due to the nature of a participants former study patterns, they have typically completed higher level studies in at least one and perhaps a few of these areas, however still have certain areas that they have not touched at this level at all.
My study pattern was such that I had completed higher level studies in finance and hence found the Derivatives, Fixed Income, Quant and to some degree the Equity material quite manageable, however the Economics, FSA and Corp Finance was well over my head to begin with as understanding balance sheets (and associated entries around multi-national corporations and pension accounting) was not something I had considerable experience or studies in and unfortunately in Level II most topics get to this kind of level in detail.
As a saving grace, I can confirm that by the end of my studies I felt that I had all of these areas covered well and was confident going into the exam however I definitely put a lot more time into such areas (as in reading and re-reading notes and examples 5 and 6 times) which I didn't feel like I had to do at Level I.
I feel the OP makes same very good points worth noting but in particular I would rate most important, the idea around having to know topic areas much better at Level II as you will get topics that run for 200 pages and your entire exam vignette (and the 6 associated questions) will be across perhaps 5 of those pages. You will see plenty of entries on this forum screaming blue murder about this fact, but my personal sentiment is that it just ensures you don't try and cut corners and enter the exam underprepared in topic you either find hard or don't like. IMHO these complaints are just sour grapes from those who know that they didn't do enough work and wanted to just scrap through.
Best of luck to all in your forthcoming studies and hope this helps. |