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Weekend Studying

Passed lvl 1 this past june and had some thoughts about the process. From day 1 I was told that during the week you will need to put in the hours, but the weekends are really when you need to buckle down and take advantage of the free time. Naturally, I did the complete opposite and successfully proceeded to drink heavily and enjoy my time outside of the office. Upon first glance this seems like a self destructing logic, however I saw it as keeping my sanity in check. If I studied during the week why not reward myself on my days off. What are some thoughts on studying on the weekend and will/can this approach work for lvl 2? Before answering keep in mind that the weekday studying accumulated to roughly 350 hours of pain, so it's not like there was much slacking involved.

The main advantage of the weekend sessions is that you can get lots of *consecutive* time immersed in the material.

Spending 4-6 hours in a row (with breaks) will allow you to really dive into a topic and its attendant questions without a night of sleep or a day of work interupting you. It was also a good time to do 1/2 of a practice exam (3 hours) and then 1-2 hours to immediately review.

I tended to give myself Friday and Saturday night off but tried to get in sessions of 4-6 hours on Saturdays and/or Sundays with few exceptions.



I agree that a proper life-study balance is very important. I probably stretched too far into the "life" part during all three levels but I have no regrets and I passed each level.

I went to Michigan so the answer is zero hours. A booster would pay someone to take the test.



Judging by his wonderlic I'd say he's a band 1 type of guy

