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How realistic is to pass level III during maternity leave?

Hello! Luckily, I passed the level II exam this June but now I have a dilemma of whether to carry on to study the level III exam. I am expecting my first baby before Xams and due to have my maternity leave soon. The good thing is that I don’t need to go to work everyday which has been really intense; but I don’t know how much study time I could commit when my little one arrives!

I was wondering how realistic is to pass level III during my maternity leave? I had a look the past exam papers and CFAI book briefly; they look really hard, in particular, the behaviour finance part. I am worried that if I don’t make an effort to carry on now, I probably will not be able to commit and focus on the CFA with a family life going forward.

I would really appreciate for your experience and opinion. Thanks!

I'm not sure how many females we have on this board, let alone women who went through L3 during a pregnancy.


I did level 2 twice. first time when I was 8 months pregnant and failed. last time with a 10 months old walking around. I thought it was real hard. since the first 4 months she was sick and needed a lot of attention. later she could walk than it also very difficult to study. mine also doesn't sleep that much. I always thought that babies sleep a lot and while she sleeps I can study... NOT. she refuses to take a nap and want to play.

I signed up for level 3. just to give it a try. No baby is the same. maybe you will have a easy child who sleeps a lot and is very sweet. anyway you passed level 2 so carry on and get 3 as well.


I studied way more for level 3 than 2, an I assume most others did too. Apply that to your own L2 experience I guess. I took level 1 a month before the birth of my twin boys and passed the 2 subsequent exams, but fortunately my wife stayed home the first year before going back to teaching so she was able to do the heavy lifting while I studied. As long as you have a good support group (I.e. Parents/in-laws that live nearby : ) you should be able to find the time.


I took L3 three weeks before giving birth... NOT something anyone should have to go through. But the reason I pushed myself despite my physical condition was that I couldn't imagine having to study for and sit through an exam with a baby in the house, or possibly later with kids around. Fortunately I won't have to experience that and I'm glad I did what I did.

Keep in mind you won't be sleeping much during your child's first few months. Yes, babies sleep a lot, but you will need to rest when your baby is sleeping. And it tires the hell out of you when they are not sleeping through the night. You will not be functioning at 100% for a while post-birth. Having said that, it probably will be easier to find time to study with a five month old as opposed to a 17 month old (one year later). Its going to be harder for the 17 month old to understand why mommy can't play. I say go for it as you won't have a mat leave one year later either. Possibly get part time or full time help with baby so you can have blocks of study time even when baby isn't sleeping. Good luck!

Kudos to sherbeer for getting through L2 with a ten month old!

misslee, CFA


my coworker had a baby less than 2 months before level 3 and still managed to pass. All of the extra time she had not being at work helped her study for the exam.


I took level 2 7 days before my second child was born and hadn't started maternity leave before the exam. I passed and took level 3 with 2 kids under 3. I'm glad I got it over with as now I have more time to spend with my children. My advice is get it done and hopefully reap the benefits sooner!


Many thanks for your encouraging advice! I think I will carry on! Thanks again.



We were in the 1st trimester while I studied, sat and passed L2 last year. I changed jobs in November last year and our daughter was born in December. With a new job and a newborn in the family, started L3 preps in Feb and passed just a month back. It was hard but doable.

But then, I am the father.


I haven't had to write the exams with kids or while pregnant, but I would think one of the main things you should ask yourself is how helpful is the father? Will he come home from work and take over some of the baby minding (between feedings), prepare dinner, clean up, bathe the baby, etc.? I would think if he is that type of guy then that might allow you a few hours each evening to study, even if it is not productive, because you're inevitably tired. If you'll be on your own to do 100% of baby care and home care and all the middle of the night wake-ups then I would guess it would be nearly impossible to study.

Just my two cents.

