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What tasks should I give the incoming intern?

I have a new intern this week. He has little investment background, and is building up on his investment knowledge. None of my current work is passable down to him, and I don't want him to sit there and do nothing. Need suggestions on some investment-related tasks that I can hand down to him to give him a good foundation?

venti redeye special non dairy creamer with no sugar

research paper on

on the real thought if he is fresh out of school then just a primer on even the structure of an Investment bank works the different fields the responsibilities the different revenue generating areas etc etc


give him CFA L1 accounting book and tell him to study it?


This is a story someone at another office told me. At their office, you have to dial "9" to get an outside phone line. So, if you want to dial 212-555-5555, you have to dial 9-212-555-5555. So anyway, these guys got a new intern and they told him that the Tech Support quick dial is "9911", i.e. 9-911. Anyway, that prank ended in a predictable manner...

As for your current intern... I don't know, what job do you do?


tell good stories and better jokes.

pics are always good...


Ask him to skim "Seeking Alpha" or some other source (IBD, Barron's, etc.) and identify what he thinks are 5 relevant articles for you and what you do.

Have him write a one paragraph summary of what the argument is and why it might be relevant to what you do. This is as much to focus his mind as to give you a brief you can use.

Then have a chat with him about what the articles are and why he chose them. If he picks good stuff, give him that feedback and ask him to do more or dig deeper; if he picks irrelevant stuff, explain to him why it isn't as relevant as it sounds, and what kinds of stuff would be more helpful.

The goal would be to have him help you identify good ideas for your work and learn how to find them for you.


lets do another AF coin toss challenge. teach basic excel skills


Depends on what you do, what kind of information you regularly look at.

How about teach him how one of your models works, then ask him to learn VBA or something and try to improve it so that it takes less work to update?


Send him to Yonkers raceway with $1,000 and see how much he comes back with.


I like some of the ideas (the serious ones) that we've heard, but I think I'd honestly just give a few reading assignments. I think Seth Klarman did that with his interns - he'd just tell them to read books and they'd discuss them once or twice a week over lunch. I would give the intern probably 20 or so books with the assignment to read them and then discuss with me as they went through. Yeah, I'm serious.

Every body do not forget I can clear describe my case ; I am not crazy ! I talk the truth only.


上一主题:Discount for Schweser?
下一主题:Level I and Ethics