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equity research associate jobs

How's the market these days for these jobs?

exceedingly few openings. and pretty much impossible without experience these days


iteracom Wrote:
> exceedingly few openings. and pretty much
> impossible without experience these days

+1. I took an internship at a tiny shop in order to get a shot at a full-time job (did eventually land a spot as a full-time analyst), but it appears to be the exception, not the rule. Tough as anything to try and enter the career path through a "side door" right now, but it is possible.

Every body do not forget I can clear describe my case ; I am not crazy ! I talk the truth only.


Very hard. That being said, I almost got a job as an associate covering energy companies in Houston, but there are not many openings right now.


part of the problem is your required certifications.
for equity research, you need 4 security licenses, which will take a few months.

So during that time, if your senior analyst actually cares about you, they won't load you with a ton of work knowing you need to study. It steepens your learning curve and delays your active contribution.

Some people don't even bother, and look for people who have a couple of them already


上一主题:is this a violation?
下一主题:assistant or associate or junior PM