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Using Excel 2003 commands in Excel 2007 ?

I hate Excel 2007. WTF. The 2003 commands are hard wired in my head and sometimes 2007 accepts them and other times I see no results and the command letters I pushed in a cell.

Anyone have any sort of apps that fix this or some sort of way to get back to 2003 ? lol

None that I'm aware. You just have to find the new commands and use them. And yeah, 2007+ only for charts or to use matrices that occupy a lot of columns, otherwise, it sucks ass.


I officially hate the new Excel.


What I dislike about Excel 2007 is what they did with the charting features... it now defaults to really fuzzy looking lines and point markers that are the size of Texas.


I agree with unilever. 2007 took a little getting used to but it's much more powerful than 2003.

The majority of the hotkeys stayed the same, the few that didn't you just change your fingers a bit and you're good to go.

