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48 Months Exp. question

On the application for CFA membership, do you provide month & day for periods of employment or just months? In other words, as a purely theoretical example, if you started work on May 31st and worked until June 1st of the same year, would that be logged as two months? Perhaps there's rounding of months?

2 months. They don't allow you to put days, just months (IIRC).


Thanks. Have a follow-up question. Can you submit work experience without also sending out sponsor forms?

I'd like to see where the work experience shakes out, before bothering sponsors.


As I recall, they don't approve/disapprove until after you submit sponsors. I had the same concern. I was approved the first time though.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Thursday, September 15, 2011 at 04:53PM by ChickenTikka.

