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发表于 2012-6-7 12:06
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2009年三月报考, 然后準備.
读的是schweser notes. 一、二级都是靠它的, 所以三级順理成章從它入手. (07年12月一级、08年二级)
考试在香港考的. 当天, 提早就到, 因為有了二级时过了入座时间 只能排队不能入座 的恐怖经历, 所以不敢稍遲.
可是, 还是百密一疏. 原来上午 Essay 是要用 ink 来作答的, 自己却只有带 pencil 进场. 看到卷上指示时已为时太晚了. 监考说不能借笔给我也不让我拿, 只是安慰我说用铅笔答了评卷员也会照样给分的.
事后我发信给CFA Institute 问过, 內容如下:
Dear CFA Institute,
I had taken the level 3 exam yesterday. In the morning session, I had used pencil rather than pen to mark my answers. The proctor told me to submit a report regarding that. I am rather concerned because I am not sure whether my answers will still be marked by the graders.
Could you please let me know your policy on this matter?
Thank you,
Dear Mr. Lam,
Thank you for contacting us with your writing utensil inquiry. We prefer that you write your answers to the constructed response questions in ink; however, the graders will certainly grade any answers you write in pencil. Writing in pencil will not affect your exam grade.
I hope this information is helpful. Please feel free to contact us again with any further questions or requests.
Jason Kaiser
Client Services
雖然事后确认了, 但考的当时心情老是不踏实, 可能因为个, 再加上答开头几条 Portfolio Management 题目时心里没底所致. 其实用铅笔答 essay 还是有点好处的, 就是答得不好可以擦掉再来, 不留痕跡.
好了, 补上我的成绩留个念:
Level 3: Pass The table below illustrates your subject matter strengths and weaknesses. The three columns on the right are marked with asterisks to indicate your performance on each question or topic area.
Essay Q#TopicMax Pts<=50%51%-70%>70%
1Portfolio Management - Individual26- - *
2Portfolio Management - Individual9* - -
3Portfolio Management - Institutional24* - -
4Portfolio Management - Institutional11- - *
5Economics19- * -
6Portfolio Management - Asset Allocation10- - *
7Equity Investments17- - *
8Alternative Investments15- * -
9Portfolio Management - Risk Management16* - -
10Portfolio Management - Monitor&Rebalance15- * -
11Portfolio Management – Performance Eval.18- - *
Item Set Q#TopicMax Pts<=50%51%-70%>70%
-Derivatives18- - *
-Economics18- - *
-Equity Investments36- - *
-Ethical & Professional Standards36- - *
-Fixed Income Investments36- - *
-Portfolio Management18* - -
-Portfolio Management - Individual18- - *
我的備考过程, 基本上是:
1. 看Schweser Notes 一遍, 共五本, 两星期一本, 共花2.5个月. 我有自己做笔记的习惯, 方便溫习. (考一级和二级时都有做啊, 读完每本Schweser Notes 写一本自家笔记, 共16本, 我想我这辈子都不会扔的.. 哈)
2. 花一星期看电子题库, Schweser 2009的, 它的好处是问题按章节分好,能集中溫习.
3. 再花一星期看完一套16只光盘的 Schweser Videos. 这是我的在一级和二级时都没有看的. 不过看完了真的要向大家推荐一下. 第一、它一点都不沉闷; 第二、里边三位讲员都是资深的CFA 教官, 深入淺出的用轻松的手法把整个curriculum 讲一遍, 指出考试重点要复习的地方. 看完以后自己真的對三级要考的東西了有了宏观的了解, 好象自己忽然聰明了, 其实是因为能夠把一路学习的東西融汇贯通, 豁然开朗.
因为时间不夠, 所以我沒有做到任何的真题. 有点遗憾. 做了或者 Essay 能考好一些.
1. 按40/60/80 計分法算了算, 共69.8分. 在analystforum 上看到的成绩, 很多考生和我一样都在上午Essay PM部份 的#2,#3 两题不及格... 汗. 我自己在考的当时已隱若感受到有巨大殺气... 寒.... 这结果 CFAI 一定也注意到了, 所以大家下年備考的时候, 千萬别忘了搞清楚这两道题目里的玄机...
2. Schweser Videos 当然有原版的, 但大家也可以上網找看看. 每年大概11月左右就會出. 不過不用太早看, 我的建议是等看完了整个课程才看, 起到的作用会更大. |