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新人,报了六月CFA,现在发现用户名密码忘了,凭借残存的记忆输入的用户名都登不上,要么回到登入页面,要么ACCESS DENIED.怎么办?望各位大侠指点,现在快崩溃了!

打印准考证出现ACCESS DENIED有如下可能问题和解决办法:

1、用户名和密码没有遗忘,就是登录出现ACCESS DENIED,这是由于IE浏览器问题,解决方法是关闭所有IE浏览器,单击“IE浏览器”右键,-》“属性”-》“常规”,分别“删除cookies”,“删除文件”,“清除历史记录”,再“确定”,重新登录。

2、用户名或密码遗忘,可以Forgot user name/password?

Forgotten User Name and Password Form
If you've forgotten your user name and/or password for the CFA Institute website, please enter the requested information below. Your current user name and a temporary password will be sent to your primary e-mail address. You will be directed to change your password upon logging in.
Note: If you need additional assistance, please call CFA Institute customer service at +1 (800) 247-8132 (for U.S. and Canada) or +1 (434) 951-5499.
First Name:
Last Name:
Confirm Primary E-mail Address:

系统重新生成一个用户名和密码,再登录。前提要记得报名注册时填写:First Name,Last Name,Confirm Primary E-mail Address。


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-22 22:35:52编辑过]

