此社区内有数以千计的投资银行/PE/VC/管理咨询以及各行业工作机会,但因社区只接受邀请注册(如没有人发邀请给你则无法注册登录)方可以进入, 想接受邀请加入的朋友就回帖留私人邮箱或者站内PM. 请各位注意,在发到你邮箱邀请后及时登录申请注册,否则邀请将很快过期失效,无法及时分享大量的求职机会(现在社区内,发布有全世界各地 4656 个工作机会,主要集中在投资银行及私募基金、对冲基金、风险投资和管理咨询领域)。截至目前已发送的250多份邀请,仅有80份及时并申请注册成功,请各位务必及时注册。 加油,祝各位好运~~~
Top Job-hunt Community
About Doostang: Doostang is a free invitation-only online career community that connects people through personal relationships and affiliations. Our members use Doostang to share relevant career opportunities and to interact with one another. Membership: In order to join Doostang, you need to be invited by one of our members. If you have not yet received an invitation, please request one from one of your friends." Job vancancy: Tens of thousand of job opportunity in Investment banking, Fashion, Law, VC, Retail, Accounting, Real Estate, Media Marketing, Advertising& R,Consulting,  E, Hedge fund, etc... This is a very cool Investment Banking Jobs website and started by grads from Stanford and MIT.They posted job opportunities from Tier 1 Investment Banks and the locations are worldwide. If you feel interested, please give me your email address and I will send you an invitation email. Membership: In order to join Doostang, you need to be invited by one of our members. If you have not yet received an invitation, please request one from one of your friends." Job vancancy: Tens of thousand of job opportunity in Investment banking, Fashion, Law, VC, Retail, Accounting, Real Estate, Media Marketing, Advertising& R,Consulting,  E, Hedge fund, etc... This is a very cool Investment Banking Jobs website and started by grads from Stanford and MIT.They posted job opportunities from Tier 1 Investment Banks and the locations are worldwide. If you feel interested, please give me your email address and I will send you an invitation email. |