Q7. Amanda Covington, CFA, works for McJan Investment Management. All personal investments by McJan employees must receive prior clearance in accordance with Mclan's Compliance procedures. To obtain prior clearance, McJan employees must provide a written request identifying the security, the quantity of the security to be purchased, and the name of the broker through which the transaction will be made. Covington received prior clearance to purchase up to 100 shares of Stock A and up TO 150 SHARES OF Stock B. Two days after she received prior clearance, the price of Stock B had decreased 50 Covington decided to purchase 250 spates of Stock B only. In her decision to purchase 250 shares of Stock B only, did Covington violate any CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct? A. No B. Yes, relating to independence and objectivity. C. Yes, relating to her fiduciary duty to her employer. D. Yes, relating to her employer's compliance procedures. |