Q2. William Wong, CFA, is art equity analyst with Hayswick Securities. Based on .his fundamental analysis, Wong concludes that the stock of a company he follows, Nolvec Inc., is substantially undervalued and will experience a large price increase. He delays revising his recommendation on the. stock front "hold" to "buy" to Allow his professional Conduct that relate to; A. duty to clients, B. Reasonable basis. C. Duty to his employer. D. Priority, of transactions.
Q2. B 07Modular L1, Vol.1,PP.48-50, 68 – 71,79 - 81,94-95 Study sin 1-2.a There is nothing to suggest that Wong does not have a reasonable basis for his conclusion related to Nolvec. However, by delaying the revision of his recommendation so that his brother can buy shares at a lower price, he has violated the CFA Institute Standards relating to duty to client, duty to employer, and priority of transactions.