CFA Institute Area 1: Ethical and Professional Standards Session 1: Ethical and Professional Standards Reading 1: Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct LOS a: Describe the structure of the CFA Institute Professional Conduct Program and the process for the enforcement of the Code and Standards 1、A covered person who rejects a stipulation agreement: A) will typically not be subject to further disciplinary procedure unless a new investigation is initiated. B) may request an appeal to a hearing panel. C) may request an appeal to a summary suspension review panel. D) may request an appeal after waiting until two years have passed. The correct answer was B) A covered person who rejects a proposed stipulation agreement may request an appeal to a hearing panel. This must be done in 30 days, or the matter will be referred automatically if no action is taken. A stipulation agreement is not relevant to a case warranting a summary suspension. 2、Which of the following correctly lists disciplinary sanctions in order of severity, lowest to highest, that the Designated Officer may take as a result of an investigation? A) Suspension of the CFA designation, public censure, revocation of the CFA designation. B) Public censure, suspension of the CFA designation, revocation of the CFA designation. C) Suspension of membership, revocation of membership, public censure. D) Public censure, revocation of membership, suspension of membership. The correct answer was B) Public censure is less severe than suspension from using the CFA designation, and suspension is less severe than revocation. 本Reading全部习题请下载以下文件:
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