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我想问下免考问题。我目前在澳大利亚悉尼大学读master of commerce会计方向。以下我在ACCA网站上查到的我这个课程认证的免考科目。我的疑问是这9门课,我读了是可以免掉ACCA中的9门吗?此外我如果想免掉更多的门数,我应该根据什么原则选课?或者我可以在哪看到可以免考的科目?这样我就可以再下个学期选课的时候针对性的选择。希望哪位大大解答一下啊!

1. Students are required to have sat and passed ALL of the following modules to qualify for maximum exemption:

ACCT5001 Accounting Principles
ACCT6001 Intermediate Financial Reporting
ACCT6010 Advanced Financial Reporting
ACCT5002 Managerial Accounting and Decision Making
FINC5001 Capital Markets and Corporate Finance
ACCT6007 Contemporary Issues in Auditing
CLAW5001 Legal Environment of Business
CLAW6002 Corporations Law
CLAW5002 Concepts of Australian Taxation OR
CLAW6001 Business Tax Planning OR
LAWS6825 The Impact of Tax on Business Structures and Operation

2. Students who have passed any of the qualifying modules by advanced standing will be considered for maximum exemption on a case by case basis.

3. Maximum exemption applies to students who have sat and passed all modules at the home campus of the awarding institution in Australia for at least the second and final years of their qualification.



我不知道澳大利亚具体的情况,但是可以明确地告诉你ACCA最多只能免试前两个阶段的9门课程。all level 3 papers is not exemptable.




