哪位朋友做好今年的per了? 刚考完试,还没有喘口气呢,就接到总部发来的信件催要我的per和会费。会费容易,可这per可真头疼。 下面是第一个per的三个问题: Performance Objective 1-Demonstrate the application of professional ethics, value and judgement 第一个问题:Describe an occasion on which you had to demonstrate ethical behaviour. 第二个问题:What did you learn from this experience and how will it influence your future behaviour in the workplace? 第三个问题:What would have been the impact had you not behaved ethically in this situation? 哪位朋友给看看问啥的?该怎么答?我哭的心都有了。原来想着就报名考试呗,慢慢来的。我的英文水平没有办法支持我完成这些问题呢。 |