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我上午考试时,就坐在我旁边的一家伙也忒倒霉,他考试前没有申报有手机,结果考到一半,手机竟然想起了铃声,他大惊失色,不过监考老师们更紧张,好几个迅速扑过来,抢他的手机,结果一个MISSED CALL还不算,过没几秒,电话铃声又来了,那时手机已在监考老师手上,那老师还不知道怎么关机,硬是让手机想了好几次,还好没对我考试产生影响.

但那个可怜的家伙就惨了, 不仅被申报了上去, 自然对考试情绪会有影响. 下午考前他告诉我,他提前半个多小时做完,本刚要打算交卷的,结果铃声响了...中午的时候, 他CALL BACK给上午打给他的人,那人从温哥华打过来,电话里还埋怨那个可怜的家伙:" 今天星期六你又不上班,打你那么多电话,你怎么不接电话??" 可怜家伙告诉我,当时他恨不得把那人给杀了...

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-13 3:29:09编辑过]

-----K folks, mise well give some laughter and entertainment to the forum.

Wrote in Toronto, some clown pulled the fire alarm just after (thank god) the PM session ended. Swear there was a dude that shar-ted himself in the washroom before the PM session. Needless to say he immediately switched to the toilet line, it was hilarious. No major distractions other then the family of birds flying around.
The proctors stopped us with 15 minutes left in the pm session because tornado sirens were going off. They ended up letting us finish, but as soon as we were done police made us all wait in the interior of the building. Power went out about about 15 minutes after we finished and we were down to the emergency generator lights.... Good thing this didn't happen earlier.
-----nothing funny....there was a home foreclosure auction in the room next door though
shitted on himself? I hope he left the exam center

Seriously someone farted(放屁) while I was taking the exam in the morning. I smelt it I ignored it though


Black out in Secaucus NJ, and during the blackout(停电), some kid pulled out his keychain flashlight and kept doing his exam.


While in line waiting to enter the Metropolitan Pavilion in NYC and questioning by preparedness or lack of it, a guy approaches me and proceeds to tell me he did not bring any pencils for the exam and if he could have one of mine, I gave it to him and said good luck. Than at my desk the guy next to me ask the guy in front of us if he can borrow one of his two calculators, to my shock the guy give gives him one, than this guy(next to me) turns to me ans asks me if I will teach him how to use it..I looked at the guy and said you got to be fucking kidding me! At that point I asked to be moved to another table due to poor lighting.. I had to get away from that guy.. all I needed was for him to start talking to me during the exam. Than after the first half of the exam I hear a guy two rows back tell his table partner that he did not study and just came to see what the exam was like. I silently thanked him for showing up for the exam for both sections; God knows that I need peole like the above to help out with the curve... hopefully there were alot more people like I experienced taking the exam

