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How many of you start reading Quant instead of Ethics first?

as I find Ethics is really boring.

i went in order and reviewed ethics the night before exam.


I skipped Ethics & went straight to Quant. I’m going to read Ethics at the very end.


took it in June, skipped Ethics til near the end, that is my reco…it is CRUCIAL to know, but it does not build on any other topics like quant and others do.


I started with quant; ethics bored me to fucking tears.


I did Ethics first as it was pretty short and reuired little brain function. ;-)
I figured it would be a nice warmup to get into the habit of reading. I got through it in just 3 days so its really no big deal either way.
I do plan on it being the last thing I review before the exam though to make sure I have it down cold.


I read Ethics last. Did FSA first because I knew that was where I’d be spending a lot of time studying, it being my waterloo ever since college. I tackled Quants somewhere in the middle of my study program.


i will start ethics in late october , 1 hour everyday at work


I read through ethics in 3 days too and scored 23/27 on the CAI questions in the book…so I felt pretty good about having retained what I read.
I too will re-read my ehtics study notes the night before the exam bc by that point its simply too late (well, almost) to learn/master a new mathematical concept for the exam but I’ll have no problem picking up some easy free points by getting an extra ehtics question or two correct.
Good luck to all.


Although i didint pass it on june. I am proud that ethics was one of the sections i scored over 70% on. I read it first. Then i wrote them down. then i studied them the night before the exam.


上一主题:Interesting Ethics Q
下一主题:Another Ethics Question: