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Question about studying Financial Analysis Techniques

So I just got the the “Financial Analysis Techniques” chapter in schweser notes (FRA) and counted 54 different ratios in this chapter..
I am one of those have to write down/take notes of everything while I study kind of people but there is NO WAY I am going to write all these down or memorize them all. What I noticed is at the end of the chapter where it states the Key concepts and LOSs’ there are only a few ratio definitions (5) and 2 equations (DuPont and Extended DuPont).
My question is would it be better to just really study the LOSs’ in the key concepts (after I read the material thoroughly of course) or should I really put time into understanding all 54 ratios? I’m only asking b/c like I said I’m a notes person but this is where I draw the line..

I wrote all ratios down but I would suggest you know the major ones  most ratios are easy to derive from their names.


You don’t want to miss out on easy points on the test. Know them all especially the Dupont ones. Those are always on the test and as Omar said, they can easily be derived as well.


Don’t cram formulas. Just understand the concepts and how they work and you can derive them whenever you need them. Plug and play makes life easy but CFAI has a way of throwing curve balls at you that can make you plug into the wrong play.


上一主题:CFA Method of VC Payoff
下一主题:CFAI Mock Exam PM Session Q49. (Computation of CFO)