上一主题:What's the Deal with GIPS?
下一主题:Eco doubt from CFAI text pg 76
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cracking true or false question

Individual securities do not lie on the CML or the Markowitz efficient frontier.
true or false?

Thats what I thought..
BUT….wont an individual security that offers the HIGHEST possible return plot on the efficient frontier?


hmmmm, can’t give a precise answer…individual securities are inefficient “portfolios” that’s the way i see it


but the efficient frontier’s ‘end points’ have to be the assets offering the lowest and highest returns…
I need to STOP!!


sarah, take a good hour of sleep after lunch if possible…i did it and even so i continue to feel very near to burn out mode…not a good prosect for tomorrow…


Individual securities do not plot on the CML, entire portfolios plot on the CML. The same applies for the efficient frontier. The CML is a straight line because you can lend and borrow to create an optimal portfolio whereas you cannot on the efficient frontier.


上一主题:What's the Deal with GIPS?
下一主题:Eco doubt from CFAI text pg 76