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How many mocks should you take?

Schweser has 2 volumes of mocks, with 3 exams in each one. Thats about 1440 problems to go over. How many mocks does it take/should it take to prepare?
I figure going through 8 mocks, getting 80%90% is a safe bet that you know the materials and are prepared enough for the exam.
how many mocks do you guys/have you guys done?

I’ve done all end of chapter questions, schweser questions, q bank, 18 quizzes in prep class, 2 mid terms, 1 half exam, 1 full exam with prep class. After that I did 2 CFAI full mocks and 1 Schweser half exam.
Exposure to as many questions as possible is the best practice.


^ rockstar.
i dont think ive heard anyone doing as many problems as you!
i’ve done 2.5 schweser practice exams, half of the CFA mock (gonna do afternoon section tomorrow), and maybe 100200 QBank Questions.
Still scoring around 6769% on FRA though… can’t seem to get it down! The funny part is I always trip up on the “Intro to FRA” section… and do well on the more complex parts..


jus completed 5th Schweser mock. Also did the CFAI mock. So thats 6 full exams and did a couple of hundred QBanks. Stil feeling unprepared. Also same as Yohji…im gettn alot of the intro chapter questions wrong. Scores in low to mid 70s with last two mocks. Ecos and Quants seem to be very weak for me, mid and lower 60s in those areas. Its jus that they can ask so many things. Guess its gona be the luck of the draw on exam day.


I am with Matt
I did all of the schweser end of chapters, cfai eoc end of the chap. The qbank 1.5 times. The CFAI, Schweser Mock and Vol 1 and 4 Elan
Mocks 3 times each. I am going through the cfai, elan mocks now and picking questions to do which are the toughest.
Have to do as many as possible, they can ask the same question so many diff ways. I still feel I have a long way to go.
I am thinking all of you are going to ace it, so to keep up have a ton to do.


I believe it all depends if you are familiar with the industry. I work in asset management so most of the later topics were fairly easy. I’ve done most of the schweser EOC probs, 2 schweser practice examns, and the cfa mock. Plan on doing the last schweser pactice between today and tomorrow. That should be about enough. Nevertheless, real world and academia sometimes don’t agree much so I end up confused with a cpl of probs. Sometimes the CFA answer doesn’t make the most sense.


letsdothis, looks like you’re more then prepared considering all the questions you have taken. So I wouldn’t worry too much bud.
Allegro, if you have taken all those mocks and scored btw 80% and 90% then it seems like you should cruise also. I haven’t heard of many people scoring 90% on these mocks.
I’ve done the two CFAI sessions (75 and 71%) respectively. 3 of the Elan sessions (70, 79 and 83%). and 6 schweser sessions (btw 76 and 84%).
Looks like we’re all gonna do just fine come saturday.

