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u guys know any CFA member that.....?

studied reasonably hard for level 1, failed it and then got their charter a number of years later?
i know there are people who didn’t have time to study for level 1 because of work/family/etc., but i mean someone who put in decent effort on level 1 and failed
we were debating this at work the other day.
thanks in advance!!!

I failed L1 first time I took it. Didn’t know much about the exam or the program at the time so naturally wasn’t fully prepared.
Waiting to see if i’ll be charterholder on Tuesday…


I would think that shark’s situation happens to many.
If somebody really gave it there all and failed level I then I doubt they get through the program on average, although I am sure there are exceptions.


I failed Level 1 twice.
The first time I didn’t put in an effort worthy of passing.
The second time I put in a very solid effort only to have my kid end up in the hospital for a week about two weeks from the exam. I’m sure I was close to passing, but the week away killed me.
The next year I put in another solid effort, only I had to defer that one due to another more serious family event.
Fourth attempt…..killed it.
Probably the worst 4 years of my life.
Eventually I will have the charter. I just hope to God eventually is this Tuesday.


I’m a two timer on both L1 and L2. first fail on L1–i thought too highly of myself. first fail on 2–aced ethics, equity, fsa, but didnt have time to properly cover FI and Derivatives. Bad idea to try and pass anticipating to fail two sections completely. I didn’t make either mistake for L3, we’ll know in 4 days if it worked.


Failed Levels 1 and 2 BOTH twice…..this year is my first attempt at Level 3. I feel OK about my chances, which is to say I won’t be shocked if I failed but I do have some confidence about passing. That said, I still have those lingering doubts hanging over me that “It took 3 attempts to pass both 1 and 2,” so I wonder about my chances. Just venting here, I suppose.


how about EVERY SINGLE CHARTERHOLDER in my group passed all 3 levels on the first try. There are two people in the program now. one failed L1 June last year passed in December. Other one failed level 2 twice in 2002 - 2003 and teed it up again this year


上一主题:ethics question from sample exam
下一主题:Why is this "inconsistent with CFA research objectivity?"