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My Strategy CFAI texts, Schwesser QBank

I’ve been have great success with reading all of the CFAI material, doing the end of chapter problems, reading the LOS stuff in schwesser and then doing 50 or so QBank questions at the end of each reading to reaffirm what i’ve just read…
going well so far and im hitting like 8 / 10 questions on all the schwesser qbank stuff.
good strategy to explore if you’re currently looking to get a game plan in place

sounds like you will pass. if you went thru all the CFAI material by now, you are golden. good luck


i am following the same startegy. but limiting to schwser , cfai end of reading questions, then q bank , scoring around 73% overall


No, i have not finished all of the CFAI texts just yet…im just getting started.
Im talking about finishing a study session, doing the end of chapter practice problems, then doing the schwesser stuff.
I’m about 30hrs into my 300/hr plan for success


I just posted mine on the blog


I’m trying a simliar strategy:
1) Read Schweser
2) Take endofchapter Concept Checker questions
3) Take LOS questions in Qbank
4) Take 40 questions/day on all material covered to date
So far, I’m scoring in the high 70’s/low 80’s. I’m finding it more and more difficult to retain information as I move farther through the material though. I’ve got three kids at home and study time is at a premium right now, not to mention that my golf handicap is suffering.
Good luck to all!


i love how this guy is pumping his blog. can you pump some stock picks instead? : )


I don’t mind people pimping their blog. However, it would be nice if the blog had some sample/mock questions and answers on it.


It’s in my signature so it gets added to every post…
I don’t do the stock picking game, I barely have time to know what’s going on with the Olympics much less track individual stocks.
I dont think I can post copyrighted material which is why there’s no Q and A’s.

