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下一主题:MOck 2012 morning sesh- Q 23 & 24 - Portfolio Management
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Schweser Mock 2 AM Q91 Ibbotson-Chen

Hi, I am confused with the answe to Q91 Exam 2 in first Schweser mock booklet.
My question is how does the answe get 0.97 for the PEg variable when we are told that PEg is -.1? Should’nt the variable be .9 (calc: 1 - .1) rather then 0.97?
If anyone can help clarify that would be great. Could not find an example in CFAi or Schweser like this to compare.
The answer is given as follows:
The equity risk premium is estimated as:
ERP = [1 + i]

Thanks for the reply! That was the one place I hadnt looked


上一主题:Ethics on the real exam
下一主题:MOck 2012 morning sesh- Q 23 & 24 - Portfolio Management