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Mock Exam question: Q59

Hi all,
Question 59. Regarding the disclosure contained in Exhibit 1, GIPS standards would most likely:
The institute anaser is B. Required Columns 2 (Net of Fees Return ) and 5 (Internal Dispersion) and recommand 1 (Gross of Fees Return).
Why is answer is not A. Required Column 3 (Benchmarl Return) and 7 (Firm Assets) and recommand 1(Gross of Fees Return)? Firm Assets and Benchmark Return are required disclosure right?
Thanks for the help!

I don’t have the full info in front of me…but you need firm assets OR % firm’s assets held in the composite (i.e. could calculate firm assets from composite assets and % of firm’s assets).   I’m assuming that the problem must give the latter.


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