上一主题:Equities - Macroeconomic factor models
下一主题:Questions on Time Series
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Sorry for the double posting


sorry monk
this does not match up with what is in the curriculum.
Please look at Example 10 SS8 Asset Allocation.
There Repurchase Yield was 1.0% - and -DeltaS = -1 and -(-1) was done.
So here when Repurchase yield is -0.5% -DeltaS = -(-0.5) so -0.5 should be done …
this is in the curriculum and nothing else should matter at this point in time.
From the exam answers standpoint on the 2009 exam - the -0.5% repurchase yield HAS BEEN DEDUCTED from the D1/p to arrive at a rate of 4 - 0.5 = 3.5% …


Why would you add it?
Think about it as buyback… If the company is buying back shares it means more for you. So higer expected return.
in this case the repurchase yield is negative which mean they issued shares.. So it’s bad for you. You are being diluted.
another way of thinking about it: the YIELD is negative ( if it helps use the word RETURN instead of YIELD) . If you were to buy a bond with a negative yield (return)  would you be happy? No. Because you would be loosing money. Same here the YIELD is negative so your expected return is lower.


Let me quote from the Grinold again:
The second term, –


And looking at the curriculum -page 35,Volume 3,CFAI Readings :

The term


I m giving up


Sometimes,and this is not the first instance-we need to acccept the unacceptable -that the guideline answer is wrong


I got 3.5% also. I have my own simple way of looking at this and I am not budging now.
If the question gives the repurchase yield, that is the question says repurchase yield is- x%
I calculate the income return as
dividend yield + repurchased yield.-(x%)
If the question states that outstanding shares has decreased  as a%which means that cash has been received from share holders I calculate the income return as
dividend yield +(-a%)
This works for me.


the guideline answer is not wrong
   you are reading the question wrong


if the repurchase yield is negative, that means the change in shares is positive…there was an increase in shares…
so in the formula, which is the change in shares (NOT THE REPURCHASE YIELD), is positive, so you have: 4.0 - 0.5 = 3.5%


上一主题:Equities - Macroeconomic factor models
下一主题:Questions on Time Series