上一主题:Dividend Schedule Chronology help
下一主题:What will be the MPS this year?
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This week? No way!! Mate you would get the results may be last week of July..


not talking about result email.. the one you get before result, which states the date when result is set to be released


Could be delayed depending on Turkey.


im sure pass rate in Turkey is going to shoot this year… 15 days to prepare for a known exam lol


I checked emails from last year a few days ago, from memory the email came out on the 20th of June 2012.


I just checked my e-mails. Mine came in on the 19th of June last year.


Yes. Let’s hope that the unprecedented upheaval that caused deaths, hundreds of injuries, millions in damages and almost forced some candidates to forego last year’s studying won’t mess up with Mr. Taimoorawan’s information mail. You disgust me.


panos.kollias, you got a heck lot of frustration mate


The wind of hypocrisy…
In a ‘dog eat dog’ world, it just sounds ridiculous.
Silence would have made it.


上一主题:Dividend Schedule Chronology help
下一主题:What will be the MPS this year?