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Any guess what will the MPS be after the brutal AM and breez

I was freeked out after leaving the AM session but got a positive feeling for PM. Do you guys have any idea of what the MPS could be? If its 70% im dead!

just pray for the best
answer in 10 weeks


Let me make a guess here.
I make an assumption that the average of top 1% students lost 8-10 points in the AM and lost 1 question in PM.
Thus, AM = 170/180 =94.4%
PM = 177/180 = 98.33%
Total would be 347/360 = 96.4%, a 70 % of this mark would be the MPS , so around 67.5%. This score is consistent to some of the analysis someone did here.
Anyway, just for fun~


oh shit, MPS of 67.5% will fuck my chances. I was hoping for 63-64%.
Neways if for last 2 years MPS for L2 was 62-65% approx. then why is L3 MPS so high? ne specific reason?


67.5% is way too high. 63%-65% would be fairer for this one. Its kind of discouraging. You spend tons of hours mastering the LOS and you cant even answer the questions, not because you did not study enough but just coz you ran out of time.


^ Amen brother and I hope I get 1% more than whatever CFAI decides to set MPS to.


^ and i get 0.1% more thn you :p


^ and i get 0.1% more thn you :p


it will not be lower than 65% if 50% of the people pass the exam.


Is MPS just the mimum passing score?

