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发表于 2013-8-17 04:00
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My CFA experience is this:
Level I: I used Qbank almost exclusively. Read the LOS, then do the LOS questions (basic), then do the reading questions (intermediate) when finish all the LOS’s, and section questions (advanced) when finish the readings. For some topics (e.g. hypothesis test) I had to resort to curriculum/Sch notes/wiki/others because my work experience and previous study didn’t provide me the knowledge; other topics (e.g. technical analysis) I just totally ignored. Then I started creating tests and do ALL the Qbank questions (yes, around 3000+ questions), one section at a time. Then came practice exams and mocks, some 1500 questions more. Passed rather comfortably.
Level II: I pretty much repeat what I did for Level I. 2 things different this time around though: 1/ I read through the CFAI texts before doing a section; 2/ I don’t have as much time as Level I going straight from Dec to Jun, so I have to weight down certain sections. In the end, I failed those that I weighted down (AI, Econ) but did well on others, esp. Equity and FRA which with some luck help save the day.
Bottom line: for level I it’s a computationally intensive exam, so doing lots and lots and lots of practice will help you memorize the formulas and crush it easily. For Level II it’s still a computationally intensive exam; however the questions presented are no more “you are given a, b, c; now use a formula and get to the result”, instead they’re now “you are given a, b, c, noise, noise, x, y, z, more noise; now determine which goes where and get to the result”. I guess a lot of people fail at the “determine which goes where” part, which is where you need to pay attention to the most for level II.
Work experience: 5 years working as an actuary, with some actuarial exams under my belt that helps a lot in level I, but not so much in level II. |