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Best exam experience for me!

As this was the 6th time (or 5th I don’t know… too bad CFAI website doesn’t show how many times I took this thing), I had by far the most relaxing experience taking the exam… slept as normal the night before, went to the exam alert, left both sessions at least 60 minutes early!! For the first time, I was answering questions by instinct and looking at the overall picture, as it was the only picture I could look at.  Went home just like any other day!
You see this time, due to other things going on, I didn’t read anything, zero, nothing, nada…I thought I may have some time on Friday to go over one mock, but that didn’t happen, so I was taking the exam based 100% on last year’s review!  There was no way to recall any formula, even simple ones, so I wasn’t even trying to recall anything… only tried to see what they are asking and relied completely on knowledge, experience, and common sense.  The amazing thing is that I saw answers to questions I would have had a hard time figuring out if I had been ”prepared”!  Never gave any quesion more than a minute to answer, no matter how long and winding it may have been.
I think my score will be similiar to previous times.  That’s truly amazing.

How did you just “see” answers to questions without recalling any formulas?
That doesn’t sound like you passed to me.


Hope you passed bud.


I doubt I would have passed any of the levels if I had to come back just one month later and take it again with no additional review. Other things going on…every day for a year?


God bless you and your willingness to sacrifice for the curve for the sake of the rest of us.


ok, so as I said with zero preparation (as in not even knowing where my books were), with a pleasant exam experience, leaving sessions 60 minutes early!, having taken the exam I think for the 5th or 6th time, and expecting similiar scores as in previous times, I got the result finally!  And it’s band 6!  Wow, that was quite an achievement.
Item Set

Max Pts
Alternative Investments
Corporate Finance
Equity Investments
Ethical & Professional Standards
Financial Reporting & Analysis
Fixed Income Investments
Portfolio Management
Quantitative Methods


Sorry to hear you didn’t pass dreary. Are you going to be contributing to the CFAI coffers again in 2014?


Dreary, look at the payment history in your CFA profile, that would tell you how many times you have taken the exams ;)


If I decide to take it again, I know for sure that I will not have any time (or motivation) to study again.  I will just do it like this time and hope that works.  The only one in which I scored less than 50 was Corp Fin., even though it’s an easy topic for me.  On the other hand, I scored more than 70 on PM, which is bizarre, because that’s by far my weakest subject. In Econ I got more than 70, I accept that…also I accept all the other topics scores.  GLTA.


do you have money to burn or are you de-motivated and down?

