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教材中说,债券一级市场供应会降低spread,为何在第4册100页的15题答案中,说a surge of single-A rated issues 会导致a widening of spread? 并且在once the market is cleared of the increase in supply of single A rated issues, the spread will narrow?谢谢!

Yet the premise, "supply will hurt spreads," which may apply to an individual issuer, does not generally hold up for the entire credit market. Credit spreads are determined by many factors; supply, although important, represents one of many determinants. During most years, increases in issuance (most notably during the first quarter of each year) are associated with market-spread contraction and strong relative returns for credit debt. In contrast, sharp supply declines are accompanied frequently by spread expansion and a major fall in both relative and absolute returns for credit securities. For example, this counter-intuitive effect was most noticeable during the August—October 1998 interval when new issuance nearly disap-peared in the face of the substantial increase in credit spreads. (This period is referred to as the "Great Spread-Sector Crash.")

以下是引用mrimer在2012-5-27 9:32:00的发言:
教材中说,债券的一级市场供应会降低spread,为何在第4册100页的15题答案中,说a surge of single-A rated issues 会导致a widening of spread? 并且在once the market is cleared of the increase in supply of single A rated issues, the spread will narrow?谢谢!

