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在二级考试报名时候关于禁止问题可能随便选择没选正确或者漏选了,CFA协会给我发邮件通知我在20天内要回复没有一下行为的声明,可是我正在家休产假,预留的邮箱是公司邮箱,所以等今天上班才收到邮件,现在CFA通知我考试注册已经被拒绝了,真的是很麻烦我不想重新报名,现在二阶段的报名费高好多,而且不知道教材是不是又得重新买,奶的大家有没有遇到这样的问题啊,报名的时候我都没仔细看这些问题,真是太大意了,请各位说说我怎么跟协会解释好呢? 谢谢I am writing to you on behalf of the Professional Conduct Program at CFA Institute.  This letter is to inform you that CFA Institute has denied your application to become a candidate in the CFA® Study and Examination Program.  We note the disclosure you made in response to question #3 on the Professional Conduct Inquiry which asks:3. Prohibitions and Restrictions:  In the last five years, has a regulatory organization or judicial court denied you trading privileges or prevented you from: (a)     Trading on a securities or contract market, OR(b)     Acting as a person required to be registered under a law or regulation, OR(c)     Acting as an affiliated person or employee of a financial services institution?
In accordance with the CFA Institute Board of Governors’ established policy regarding criteria for admission into the CFA Program, the conduct disclosed by you on the Professional Conduct Inquiry form disqualifies you from participation in the June 2012 CFA Study and Examination Program.  If you have reason to believe there are exceptional or unusual circumstances that warrant further review of your enrollment by the Professional Conduct Program, you may submit an appeal of the denial decision. If you choose to submit an appeal, it must be submitted in writing and received by the PCP within twenty (20) days from the date of this letter.   Please refer to the attached “CFA Program Applicants Appeal Q & A” for more information regarding the appeal process.  If the PCP does not receive a written appeal of the denial decision within twenty (20) days of the date of this letter (by 10 October 2011), the denial of your CFA Program enrollment will be final and you will have waived all rights to further review of the matter by the PCP.  The appropriate application fee will be returned to you.  You may reapply to the CFA Program when you have no disclosures (no “yes” responses) to the eight questions contained on the Professional Conduct Inquiry form.  Thank you for your interest in the program.


