- 626473
- 帖子
- 9
- 主题
- 2
- 注册时间
- 2016-5-29
- 最后登录
- 2017-8-7
本人昨天在北京参加的CFA三级的考试,上午8点签到的时候,主考官说我的手表可以用,佳明220,平时跑步戴的。11点的时候,一个巡考官过来把我的手表带走,20分钟后还给我说可以继续用。中午咨询巡考官,他说已经扫描了我的手表,准备把这个事件报告给协会。我早上8点是在得到主考官的确定后才带入考场,且考试过程中只用来看时间了。下面是我给协会发的邮件,目前给info@cfainstitute.org 以及 professional_conduct@cfainstitute.org 均已发送邮件,陈述了事情的情况,并在附件中加上了本人的护照、手表以及准考证的照片。
The Honorable CFA Institute:
I am a level III candidate from China. My name is XXX and CFA Institute ID is XXX.In June 4, 2016, I just attended CFA level III examination in Beijing,China. My room is XXX, section is XXX and seat number is XXX.
I have some allegations to you to eliminate any possible misunderstandings. In the morning when I was participating in the exam, at about 11:00, the inspector came to me and took away my watch away to detect. He returned my watch to me about 20 minutes later and told me I could continue to use it. Immediately after the morning exam, I asked the inspector how they would deal with my issue. They told me that they had scanned my watch and would report this issue to CFA Institute. This type of the watch is GARMIN Forerunner 220, which I can use to watch time and I have worn it for years and have attended lots of exams. However, I haven’t met any such situation before.
Before this issue, I really didn’t know my watch might violate the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct. At 8:00 in the morning when I was registering, two staff had a full examination of my instruments. The first staff examined my passport and admission ticket, and the second staff examined my pencils, ball point pens, tissues, eraser, watch and calculator. After the two staff’s careful examination, I got their definite admission that I could take my watch into the examination room. During the examination, I did nothing with the watch and just used it to watch time. At 11:00 my watch was taken away and I was told by the inspector that they would send a report to CFA Institute at noon.
As a Level III candidate, I understand the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct deeply and strictly follow the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct during my review and examination. I am sure that I have no intention to cheat and just use it to watch time. I have spent countless nights preparing for this test and made all my efforts. I cherish lofty respect to CFA Institute. I am now too worry about the issue and ask for reply of CFA Institute. Your judgment of this issue is crucial to a boy with a financial dream and will affect his future career development. I wish you can deal with this issue fairly and equitably.
Photos of my watch, passport and admission ticket are in the attachment.
If you need any additional information, I will be always ready to provide anything you ask for.
Look forward to your early reply. |