Candidates may not use scratch paper during the examination. Scratch paper includes writing paper, the examination ticket, calculator keystroke card, desk top, or any other surface.
Despite this requirement, four Level I candidates, five Level II candidates, and one Level III candidate used their examination ticket as scratch paper during the examination. The CFA Institute Professional Conduct Program investigated these matters and found that the candidates engaged in the conduct, thereby violating the CFA Program Examination Rules and Regulations. Three candidates, Wenhui Jia, a Level I candidate, and the Level III candidate accepted the sanction of One Year Suspension from Participation in the CFA Program and Voiding of Examination Results. 
eng Xing and a Level I candidate accepted the sanction of Two Year Suspension from Participation in the CFA Program and Voiding of Examination Results. Five candidates requested a Hearing Panel. After consideration of the evidence in each respective case, the Hearing Panels imposed the sanctions of Private Censure and Voiding of Examination Results on one candidate; One Year Suspension and Voiding of Examination Results on Pulkit Gupta, a Level I candidate, and a Level II candidate; and Three Year Suspension from Participation in the CFA Program and Voiding of Examination Results on a Level II candidate.