能想到的受影响的是所有从前和现在拿到level1的人。如果以后通过率超过60%了,那所有人的level1都将几乎一钱不值。对于我这个就想拿个level1表示一下finance方面的intention and capability的人,更是产生压力--这个通过率会让我认真地考虑level2。唉,真累!
刚才google了一下,截至09年4月份,中国大陆的CFA考生注册人数是将近2万(19,700)。假设有50%是考试六月lelve1的,那就是大约1万。level1的全球通过率三十多的时候,中国是50以上。这次中国的通过率估计能达到60-70。假设是65%(你不过的概率只有1/3!),那就是将近7000人。当然高的通过率会吸引高的报名人数,这样通过率还会下来。但是通过人数应该只增不减。就是说CFA光level1每年(两次)中国就是将近1万好几千。如果快速增长的中国经济赶不上更快速度的CFA member production的话,那CFA member在中国也就跟在美国一样了--1,不希罕,2,不保证好工作。你只能*机会,*表现更多的才干来获得好的工作。
I am a repeater. Finally I passed. Keep it up for those who lose & Congratulations to those who passed.
Though the truth is passing rate increases, please don't whine about the standard as that would really give the impression and spread the message passing CFA level I is common. [em14] It in turns ruins our effort to knock off such exam.[em18]
Let's be positive and either just keep slugging it or quit. The US seems to treat the crisis fine so far. Hope CFAI treats this issue fine as well.