66 the following information relates to a profitable company that offers a warranty on a new product introduced in 2008:
accrued warranty expenses for the warranty in 2008 $300000
actual expenditures for repairs under the warranty in 2008 $200000
If the company's tax rate is 35 percent, which of the following most accuartately describes the defferred tax recorded in 2008 with respect to the new product warranty?
A deferred tax asset of 35000
B deferred tax asset of 65000
C deferred tax liability of 35000
首先 warranty我就不是特别理解是什么东西,但是看expense被多算了,显然是少交税了啊。怎么还是递延所得税资产呢?
请先帮我解释一下什么是warranty,再帮我介绍一下什么是warranty expense
warranty 可以理解为售后保修费用,算是一种担保费用
这题2008年计提的warranty expenses30万(会计扣除),但是实际发生的20万(税法扣除)。这样就产生了一个时间差异,2008年会计的税tax expense 比税法的应纳所得税少 因此产生dta
accrued warranty expenses for the warranty in 2008 $300000
- 对应Taxable Income, Deferred Tax Liability
actual expenditures for repairs under the warranty in 2008 $200000
- 对应Pretax Income, Deferred Tax Asset
实际的warranty expense没那么多,但是多记在Taxable Income的帐上了,可以看出Pretax Income多于Taxable Income. 也就是说2008年实际缴税多于会计的税,产生Deferred Tax Asset 100000*0。35=35000
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