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标题: L3 - Implementation shortfall [打印本页]

作者: merehot    时间: 2010-6-3 11:25     标题: L3 - Implementation shortfall

 Can someone explain this?

If the market return was 1.2% over the time period of trading, the risk-free rate was 0.1%, the stock beta was 1.3, and the shortfall implementation cost is 0.48% for trading in the stock, then what is the shortfall implementation cost to which the manager should be held accountable?


The correct answer was C) -1.08%.

The realized profit and loss, delay costs, and missed trade opportunity cost of the implementation shortfall are all affected by market movements that the manager should not be held accountable for. The implementation shortfall should be adjusted for market-wide movements, resulting in the a market-adjusted implementation shortfall. Over a few days, the alpha term is assumed to be zero, so no adjustment for the risk-free rate is necessary. If the market return was 1.2% over the time period of this trading and the beta was 1.3 for the stock, then the expected return for it would be 1.2% ×1.3 = 1.56%. Subtracting this from the 0.48% results in a market-adjusted implementation shortfall of 0.48% - 1.56% = -1.08%.

作者: nametom    时间: 2010-6-3 11:39

     Definitely unreasonable, ambiguous and irrational!!!根本没有道理和逻辑的题,简直是垃圾,给出的解释也是没有道理的,不值得一看。
作者: 蒋川    时间: 2010-6-3 19:31

作者: dpf505    时间: 2010-6-3 21:19




[此贴子已经被作者于2010-6-3 21:19:37编辑过]

作者: PassCFA2010    时间: 2010-6-3 22:11

 the answer is correct. manager should be held account for--- >adjust the market effect--- >market adjusted implementation shortfall.

作者: kyker123    时间: 2010-6-4 00:09

看这题的意思,莫非the shortfall implementation cost to which the manager should be held accountable就是MAIS?学到了...

作者: PassCFA2010    时间: 2010-6-4 01:25

 it is testing reading comprehension

作者: nametom    时间: 2010-6-4 10:53

     看来对这道题争议的关键不是什么shortfall implementation cost ,而是怎样计算notional/paper portfolio的回报率。为什么?关键是题干中的beta怎么解释?是CAPM中的beta,还是市场模型market model中的beta。如果是CAPM中的BETA,那么portfolio's expected return=RF+BETA*(RM-RF)=0.1%+1.3*(1.2%-0.1%)=1.53%。如果BETA是MARKET MODEL中的BETA,那么portfolio's expected return=BETA*RM=1.3*1.2%=1.56%。显然,题干中隐含的BETA是指MARKET MODEL而非CAPM中的BETA,在给出了RISK FREE RATE的情况下,很容易让人混淆,足见这道题的狡猾。
作者: ggyum    时间: 2010-6-4 11:30

Notes上有这个公式, notes上是说E(R) = alfa + beta *E(Rm), 其中alfa的expected value = 0 (是不是将alfa看成error term? 这个没明白,死记了)。



作者: minminmin    时间: 2010-6-4 11:57     标题: [求助]关于EAR,BEY,YTM的换算公式

“market-adjusted implementation shortfall ”

书上有这个定义 么?

作者: PassCFA2010    时间: 2010-6-4 12:07

 notes book5 ss16

[此贴子已经被作者于2010-6-4 12:07:28编辑过]

作者: nametom    时间: 2010-6-4 12:28

以下是引用minminmin在2010-6-4 11:57:00的发言:

“market-adjusted implementation shortfall ”

书上有这个定义 么?

    我看过教材了,没有找到什么market-adjusted implementation shortfall的定义,只有关于implenmentation shortfall的定义及其分解。如果楼主的题是NOTES的练习题,那么我不想多说什么。因为,考试毕竟是以教材为基准的,练一些偏题、怪题对思维也许有启发,但人家出真题的并不一定领情。

作者: cfacfa10    时间: 2010-6-4 13:32

 textbook v6 p27

作者: nametom    时间: 2010-6-4 14:39

以下是引用cfacfa10在2010-6-4 13:32:00的发言:
 textbook v6 p27


作者: july_jj    时间: 2010-6-5 13:04


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